Thursday, October 31, 2019

The influence of Basel III in the French banking sector Thesis

The influence of Basel III in the French banking sector - Thesis Example The bank is required to maintain a capital (Tier 1 and 2) that is equal to a minimum of 8% of â€Å"risk weighted assets†. For example, a bank with a â€Å"risk- weighted assets† worth $100 million will have to maintain a minimum capital of $ 8 million. Basel II is a group of banking regulations put together by Basel Committee to see that banks are supervised. These policies have international coverage and therefore regulate banking and finance internationally. It integrates the capital standards of Basel with the regulations at national level. This is made possible through setting the minimum required capital of institutions of finance with the goal of ensuring liquidity of the institutions. Basel II is the 2nd bank supervision recommendations of the Basel Committee. Contrary to the Basel I, which had focus on risk associated with credits, Basel II focuses on the capital that the financial institutions have to put aside. The main aim of setting aside this capital is to see to it that risk associated with lending and investing practices are reduced2. These are measures in comprehensive form designed by the Basel Committee to improve regulation, risk management and supervision within the financial and banking sector. The first version (Basel III) was published in the late period of 2009 giving a period of 3 years to the banks to meet all the requirements stated. So as to see that credit crisis is addressed, banks are directed to â€Å"maintain proper leverage ratios† and meet specified capital requirements. The Basel III is a product of Basel I and Basel II with the aim of improving the ability of banking sectors in dealing with economic and financial stress. Other goals of Basil III are to foster the transparency in banks and improve the level of risk management. Basil III focus is to develop the resilience level of individual banks so as to reduce the negative impacts of risks3. The year 2005 was marked by the introduction of Basel II with the

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Brand Development Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Brand Development - Case Study Example Using the concept of the Thai workers along with some modifications in the taste have led to the evolution of one of the most successful energy drinks introduced in the market. Actually, the name was also patterned after a popular Thai drink. Since its release, the product has gained considerable rate of success. From the classic flavour, Red Bull today is produced In different versions catering the needs of various market segments. The product that served as the blueprint of Red Bull was prominently consumed in rural areas. Red Bull, however, attempted to penetrate urban markets and industrialised locations. The target of Red Bull innovators was to inform the working world of the energy drink's existence. Eventually, Red Bull has become a popular choice among individuals who require sustained energy during the course of their work. The main of components of Red Bull includes taurine, glucuronolactone, caffeine, and b-group vitamins. Taurine is a conditionally essential amino acid occurring naturally in human bodies. Basically, there are certain situations wherein taurine becomes as effective component. Glucuronolactone, however, exists in a form of a carbohydrate and serves as a vital facilitator of bodily waste elimination. Moreover, caffeine is an established ingredient that improves concentration and alertness. Finally, the b-group vitamins primarily function to develop the metabolism. Red bull has established a bandwagon because of performance. Indeed, there are several benefits that Red bull consumption provides. Basically, Red bull improves the performance of individuals in their work. Drinking Red bull also wakens the senses of drinkers improving their concentration. It has been observed that drinking Red bull improves vigilance and reaction to instantaneous events. Most important, Red bull is a helpful drink that simulates metabolism and facilitates the movements inside the body. These the fundamental reasons why Red bull has gained the most compared with other energy drinks. To prove its worth, Red bull has been used by several well-known athletes and personalities. The blend of quality ingredients and natural benefits combine to create one of the most dynamic beverages in the market. Aside from the top tier individuals, middle and low profile drinkers have recognised the effectiveness of Red bull energy drink. Definitely, drinking Red bull goes beyond replenishment as it is valued for its consistent performance. Industry Analysis The energy drink industry is relatively small compared with the scope covered by beverages. The industry, however, is gradually making a presence with the emergence of intelligent strategies and marketing initiatives. It is evident that the market catered by energy companies is young and shows trace of maturity. Another important attribute observed in the market is that some groups are portrayed as health conscious individuals. The market of Red bull and other energy drink manufacturers are teenagers and consumers in the stage of early adulthood and are considered as young professionals. Essentially, manufacturers of energy drinks consider their market as tight, but recent trends have indicated an expanding potentials and prospects. At present, there are no giant companies controlling majority of the market shares. Therefore, the competition is stiff

Sunday, October 27, 2019

The Issues Of PepsiCo International Strategy

The Issues Of PepsiCo International Strategy Coca-Cola, the major competitor of Pepsi has been exiled from the desert kingdom. Because of this, Pepsi expanded into Arab Countries has an 80% share of the $1 billion Saudi soft-drink market. Saudi Arabia is the third largest foreign market of Pepsi, after Mexico and Canada. In 1993, about 7% of Pepsi-Cola Internationals sales came from Saudi Arabia. The environment in Saudi Arabia makes the country very favorable to soft-drink sales because alcohol is banned climate is very hot and dry. Mode of Expansion: Pepsi uses franchise system for international expansion. Sources of Competitive Advantage: PepsiCo has competitive advantage in terms of worldwide distribution the company is able to produce all its products in the country where they are consumed. Pepsi has a competitive advantage over Coke because of its brand image good word of mouth. Pepsi promotes itself as the number one choice of the Next Generation. Government Policies: Currently a 50 percent rise in Pepsi prices in Saudi has angered customers and provoked the kingdoms government to call on more than 30 soft drink companies to hold off on further price hikes. Pepsi increased the price of a can to 1.50 riyals $0.40 from 1 Saudi Consumer Protection Association investigated the sudden unjustified price hike, the Saudi Gazette reported that official permission should be granted to soft drink firms before they are allowed to increase prices and price rise should not be more than 10 percent. PEST Analysis Political Influences: Many PepsiCo products are subject to different federal laws due to their manufacturing, distribution use, such as the Food, Drug and Cosmetic Act, the Occupational Safety and Health Act ad the Americans with Disabilities. The international ventures are subject to the Government stability and businesses are subjected to different taxation policies in each consumer country. Economic Influences: PepsiCo relies on trucks to move products so fuel is an important subject fuel prices matters. The economic impact of foreign exchange rates movements on them is complex because such changes are often linked to variability in real growth, inflation, interest rates, governmental actions, etc. PepsiCo is also subjected to other economical factors like money supply, energy availability, cost and business cycles. Socio-Cultural Influences: Pepsi is subject to the lifestyle changes, so it bases her advertising campaigns in people with special lifestyle. For that PepsiCo has to pay special attention on lifestyle changes. It has to be very careful with the possible problems with the governments and those which could rise from PepsiCo act with the people of KSA. Technological Influences: PepsiCo is exposed to new manufacturing techniques, for its three business units, snack food, juices and soft drinks. It has to pay attention while adopting flexible advanced distribution techniques. PORTER 5 FORCES Analysis 1. Threat of New Entrants: The threat of new entrants in the industry is small yet substantial. This is because there are already four players in the market other then Pepsi itself. 2. Threat of Substitute Products: Currently, the threat of new viable competitors in the carbonated soft drink industry is not very substantial. Possible substitutes that continuously put pressure on Pepsi include tea, coffee, juices, milk, and hot chocolate. 3. Bargaining Power of Suppliers: The bargaining power of the suppliers tends to be low according to the recent analysis. PepsiCo needs to manage its relationships carefully with the bottling units in order to make changes in its way to market the local retailers. 4. Bargaining Power of Buyers: Here the concern is how to increase market share and retain its current customer because customer always try to optimize benefit. The buying power of consumers also poses a key threat in the industry. Moreover consumers can simply switch to other beverages with little cost or importance. 5. Rivalry Among Competitors: Pepsi has 48.9% share of market it is situated in an environment that is ever changing and dynamic because coca cola is holding 30.9% share Cadbury Schweppes 8%. The local brands are also in the market to compete Pepsi. These brands are Mecca cola holding 0.5% market share and 0.6% Zamzam cola. SWOT Analysis 1.Internal Attributes(Strengths Weaknesses) Pepsi is inferior in its fountain drink division. The ownership in fast food restaurants has always been problematic for pepsi. Coca Cola has been in the top locations for fountain beverages because of their ownership in Taco Bell, Pizza Hut, KFC, and many others. 2.External Attributes(Opportunities Threats) In addition to its large consumer base, Saudi Arabia has some of the regions biggest athletic clubs, most passionate sports fans, and has a growing population of athletes and active people. When PepsiCo started its own Pepsi Bottling Company, it allowed them to cut costs, reduce overhead, and coordinate their distribution to create a better synergy. Critical Issues or Barriers: Pepsi can serve the 90% market but problem is the bottling of the drink. War crisis between Palestine and Israel is bringing hate against Pepsi that why USA is not interest in resolving the issue As Pepsi is US product and these days US and foreign products are campaigned not to be used to show rage against non-Muslim acts. Due to recent oil prices increase, there is international factor of inflation and on the other hand Pepsi is cheaper in KSA compared to other countries, so Pepsi is facing problem to maintain the profits. Since employers in KSA are required to give their employees time to pray toward Mecca five times per day, as set forth in the Koran, break times caused additional operating cost. Health and stomach diseases due to over use. Obesity problem which is becoming common in Saudis. Rumors of Haram ingredients. The tough competition is carried out through packaging as well as price. Recommendations: Pepsi is being forced to re-examine their strategic models, based on carbonated soft drinks and move to new beverage categories. Heavy investmentment in risky innovations may be suggested in order to transfer resources from other brands. Pepsi spends 15% of overall budget on advertising and marketing to be no.1 in the consumer sight. Pepsi should use all media vehicles to attract consumers. Conclusion: Consumers want to buy soft drinks delivered at convenient locations with the right package. Pepsi have to make sure that the market keeps growing annually, and that company products are available everywhere. Pepsi has won the International Quality Award and Bottlers of the year Award, so the company feels quite optimistic. Although difficult challenges lay ahead, yet to exploit opportunities through the implementation of an effective and comprehensive marketing plan 2009. Appendix:

Friday, October 25, 2019

The Problem with Being Gay Essay -- Personal Narratives Homosexuality

The Problem with Being Gay About a year ago one of my best friends and I bought some glow-in-the-dark stars to paste on my ceiling. After about four hours of neck-straining work, we shut off all the lights in my room, closed the door, jumped onto my bed and looked up to admire the green glowing wonders above us. After a few minutes of quiet talking, my friend said something that totally blew me away. It might have been that he was tired from the day's work, or maybe a little light-headed from all the dust and stucco we inhaled while placing those stars on my ceiling. Or maybe it was the darkness that made him feel as if he had some kind of security. But something about the situation made him say one of the most serious things he ever said to me. He turned to me, almost touching my face, and whispered in my ear, "I think I am homosexual." I responded almost immediately "Are you sure?" And we talked and cried that night for three hours, he about how his life would be totally ruined and all his hopes and dreams crushed if he really was gay, and I about how it was probably just a phase he was going through. So I decided to see what happened; to let time run its course and see what results it brought. And although the subject did come up a couple more times throughout our senior year, we never discussed it with as much seriousness as that night. I admit that at that time I was still controlled by the immaturity and superficiality of the high school years and was not as accepting of my friend's revelation as I could have been; as a good friend should have been. Conformity to the adolescent laws of popularity was a must, and it prevented me as well as him from being absolutely clear and aware of our feeling... ...-in-the-dark stars?" I said, "yeah†¦" and he said, "I AM, I'M GAY." As this huge burden was lifted off his shoulders, as his secret became mine, I felt a strange mixture of emotions run through me. I was speechless. I didn't know what to say. So I cried because I was both happy and sad. I know he was smiling when he told me that, but I soon realized that it was my fault that he never told anyone. He had held it in for an entire year because of my initial reaction and firm belief that it was just a phase. I figure that was my way of avoiding the subject at the time, but now I know that I am okay with my friend's sexuality because of my own feelings. And I am happy for him. But I still cry because I know that, in reality, his discovery and its social complications have changed the path of his lifelong hopes and aspirations, and that there is a rough road ahead of him.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Followed †creative writing Essay

The streets of London enclosed this humble infant. Unaware of where he is; where his mummy is, he continued to patrol the distant streets. The exhaustion of the young boy is unbearable to think of. Although unfamiliar with his surroundings he continued to walk, crying with anticipation: where is he? Freddy had been visiting London for the first time with his adorable mum. They got on so well. His mum was a rather rounded figure with big blue eyes and elongated eyelashes to balance her silhouette. She was a comical woman always entertaining her companions. Never a dull moment when she was around. Freddy loved her with all his heart and hoped he was just dreaming. Freddy and his mum were visiting sights in London, but he wasn’t happy with this. He despised it, the thought of walking around all day long; looking at tedious buildings that all appeared identical made him aggravated; what was the point? â€Å"Live life while you can! † is what his mum used to say to him. † What’s the point spending a beautiful Sunday morning indoors while you can be outdoors, celebrating the beauty of our capital city! † Nothing could ever bring her down†¦ even Freddy’s bad behaviour. He thought it would just be about influential buildings, powerful statues and overcrowded town centres! But more was to come†¦ When they first arrived, Freddy was being rather disrespectful; mocking fellow tourists, giving his mum the cold shoulder and even locking himself in the cafi bathroom! But his mum understood, she always did. Freddy walked and walked, not enjoying the scenery; with hope he would soon find somewhere appealing. As he continued to trek, he noticed the reflection of a daunting old man on the trunk of a passing car. The reflection seemed lifeless yet full of hatred and anger. His long black slimy hair wrapped across his large forehead with blue eyes just visible beneath it. He was wearing a long black leather jacket almost touching the floor with a large shiny object poking out from the inside pocket. He could see his full length jacket flapping from side to side as it harmonized with the rhythm his walk. He appeared to be a tall man with big broad shoulders yet with a petite frame. His image seemed worthy of that of a monster. Freddy stopped. Looked for his mum, she was nowhere to be seen. He peered over his right shoulder, to what seemed like his worst nightmare. Hastily attempting to rush through a crowd of passing pedestrians trying to get away as quickly as possible. But suddenly he tripped to found himself landing on the rotting pavement. His pulse now increasing as if his heart was being snatched out of his chest then receiving a brutal punch to the whole in which was left. Blood was rushing from his head to his toes and back and forth, back and forth. Quickly rising to his feet he continues to run, running faster and faster, trying to find somewhere to hide. Scared that if he stops, the old man would catch him, torture him, hurt him, the thought was unbearable. The poor little boy was petrified, trembling with fear, looking for somewhere to escape to. He glimpsed behind his shoulder and to his surprise the man had gone. â€Å"What just happened? † Freddy distraughtly thought to himself. Was it a hallucination caused by his mum’s disappearance, or was it real, was that man really there? Freddy now tried to stay in places where people were around, but his racing mind couldn’t shoot nasty thoughts out his head. He wanted his mum to be there so desperately, she; his best friend, he needed her now. â€Å"I need to find her! † he thought to himself. But where was he to start? He was in a city he did not know his way round of and eventually remembered his mum saying that if something happened and she wasn’t around then to meet her just off Oxford street at a cafi called ‘Don’marche’. â€Å"Quick! I have to get there now! † Rapidly gazing behind the peculiar cardboard box he was hidden behind, he checked both ways to make sure that the man wasn’t around, once left, once right, and again just to be sure. Once he had the reassurance he wasn’t around, his legs where already in motion trying to get back to his original destination. After a few moments of none stop running, he heard a familiar sound from behind. Turning round slowly to see if he could see it, he noticed a shadow upon the wall. A shadow with large broad shoulders but yet with a petite frame, a shadow of extreme familiarity but not that of good familiarity but that of a horrific familiarity already experienced by Freddy. Freddy’s immediate reaction was to run, but that of the gaze coming from the man is too strong to pull away from. The contact between the two if disrupt able and yet strangely comforting, but only for the fact that his eyes are big and blue with beautiful elongated eyelashes, just like those, that stare at him daily with love and care. After a moment of bewilder ness he hears a screaming voice coming from the bottom of the road, he peers over the mans right shoulder to see a rather rounded figure running up the road. Elation fills Freddy’s heart. His shoulders start to relax and the view of his adorable mum makes him feel at once comforted. He and his mum spend hours, it seems, in an embrace, but eventually realising that the man is standing behind him he turns and quickly tells his mum about what has happened. She just stands there and laughs! â€Å"Freddy darling, I brought you to London to meet your uncle! Say hello to uncle Fred! † Freddy doesn’t reply. He looks up at his mum in complete awe but eventually pulls them both into an embrace with a sigh of relief.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Organization behavior Essay

1.) Critically review learning theory. Learning theory is a routine that is carried out on a daily basis in order to have an experience in various fields of work. There are several theories that explain learning theory. One of the theories is Maslow’ Hierarchy of needs which explains that, when the need level is satisfied, it ceased to become a motivator and fulfillment of higher level is the next goal. (Francesco and Gold, 2005).The second theory is Hertzberg’s motivation hygiene theory which states that, employees’ growth and esteem needs are driven by the motivation factors, responsibility and achievement. This wills results into a job satisfaction at work place. (Francesco and Gold, 2005). The third theory is McClelland’s learned needs theory which explains that needs is learned through Childhood environment, social norms and assists in the understanding of individual motivation (Francesco and Gold, 2005). The last theory is ERG theory which contributes on Maslow theory. It has three categories of needs. Existence which is the physical and psychological need, relatedness which is the need to share ideas with others and feel secure and growth is the need to achieve to fulfill of self esteemed needs. The learning theories have assisted very many people at work place especially the people who are working in the organizations. (Francesco and Gold, 2005). There have been several philosophers who have tried to explain what is learning. Various theories of learning have been therefore have been discussed. Learning theories are the ideas about why or how changes occur. There has been a theory on the behaviorist orientation to learning .This theory is from theorist such as Thorndike, Pavlov and skinner. (Smith, 1999).This theory argues that people change their behavior from the kind of learning they get. People according to the theory are stimulated by the environment they live in. When people live in a good environment they learn to be good and vise versa. Behaviorists argue that people can be taught to produce behavior change in the desired direction. An educator trying to teach people to change should arrange environment of the person to get the desired response. People can learn through skill development and training as well as behavior according to behaviorists. (Smith, 1999). There is another theory on cognitive orientation to learning. Cognitivist such as Piaget, Bruner and Gagne believe that learning process is an internal mental process. Internal mental process includes receiving insight about information, processing the information, memorizing it and finally making a perception. (Smith, 1999).That is how the learning process is according to Cognitivist. People according to the cognitivist learn through the internal cognitive structuring. This structure helps people develop skills and capacity to learn better. Cognitive structure if followed can help a person develop intelligence learning and memory as function of age as well as learning how to learn. Whichever the theory that is followed learning is an important aspect of human being and people should strive to learn more to improve themselves. (Saljo,1979) 2. Positive and negative reinforcements, punishment and extinction in shaping behavior There are many types of positive reinforcements that Godot can use. First Godot can reward excellent behavior. This is normally a very effective method of reinforcing good behavior. (Verddelho, 1999)The implication here is that when an employee is rewarded for good performance, the employee feels motivated to do even better the next time. In the end this will lead to an improved performance which is good not just for the individual but also for the organization. The second positive reinforcement is recognition. Recognition here implies acknowledging excellent behavior of good work. In this case the meaning for this is that supervisors like Godot can simply acknowledge and commend a well performing employee like Diane. Recognition of good work has the implication of having positive congratulatory words for a job that has been well accomplished. This can simply be achieved by a simple word of mouth like ‘well done.’ Unknown to many supervisors, this simple act of recognition normally has a very positive effects on the motivation of an employee of an individual and can result in positive work behavior. (Francesca & Gold, 2008) The use of incentives is another positive reinforcement that can result in improved positive behavior. In this case incentives can be in form of extra or bonus pay for exemplary performance. Incentives can go along way in improving an individual’s performance on the job. (Francesca & Gold, 2008)This is more so if an individual is capable of making more money by displaying good performance method. In this case the issue of a tip was a good gesture to the employees since those with exemplary performance would feel encouraged to do more. One negative way of reinforcing behavior is through harshness. In this case, the employees will only perform well because of fear of reprimand by Godot and not because they feel a compelling need to work hard. This is a negative reinforcement because positive organization behavior should be forced but should come spontaneously. The implication here is that employees should not be coerced into behaving well but rather positive behavior should just come naturally. This therefore means that these employees should not work hard because of fear of being reprimanded by the supervisor but instead should do so because of a need to do so. (Dwyer, 2005) 3. Discuss the impact of these reinforcements and punishment has on behavior and on Diane’s behavior specifically Reinforcement theory suggests that a reinforcement/reward and punishment of certain behavior will most likely result in a repeat of that particular behavior. That is to say that if behavior is not recognized or appreciated chances of it being repeated will be low. . (Francesco & Gold, 2005)   However, the consequence of reinforcement is determined by whether it is negative or positive. Positive reinforcement will motivate employees and result in behavior that will increase an organization’s output and the opposite is true. . (Francesco & Gold, 2005) Diane works hard and her output is great. However, when she breaks a plate one day, Godot yells at her and even makes her pay for the broken plate and the cost of cleaning up the messed caused. Diane has been waiting all along for recognition but she only gets a negative reinforcement for her good output. As it is, it is better to motivate people for the right reasons rather than to punish them for the wrong reasons. (Skinner, 1957). Diane is punished for the wrong reason and fails to get reinforced for the right reasons. Negative reinforcement is not likely to motivate individuals and therefore this will in turn lead to them slacking in their work and thus the overall out put will be low. (Skinner, 1957).   It is because of this that she relaxes when carrying out her duties. Reinforcement suggests that behavior determines outcome and a person will be motivated to seek reinforcement and avoid punishment. When she got a chance to work at a fancy French restaurant at Sydney known La Maison, Diana a University Student could not spend her vacation at her parents home Queabeyan, since she needed money to change on her diet during her next semester . (Skinner, 1957). Ready to prove how good she was, she would balance several plates on her arm and the customers would compliment her on her efficient service, but one day she dropped a bowl of bouillabaisse appetizer on the carpet and hurriedly went for sponge while apologizing but   Godot shouted at her that he would deduct $24.95, $20 from her pay to compensate for appetizer and cost of cleaning rugs respectively, out of anger and confusion, next day Diana slowed down to avoid recurrence of same incident thus she carried   no more than two dishes at a time thus slugging her tips down (Skinner, 1957). Q4 .Effectiveness of hourly pay rates and tips as a method for reinforcing desired behaviors. Tips and hourly rates have been used as a mode of payment against other methods of payment like piece rate and monthly payments. There is a big variation in the effectiveness of the methods. When hourly rate is used as the mode of payment, it has been found to have an effect on quality and speed. These two factors are the one that determine the output of any activity (Encina, 2000). Payment in work acts as an incentive to the worker. Whenever the worker is paid well he will work well and poor pay means poor jobs. It is noted that the worker will always optimize what he has at hand. When he is paid hourly he will do he/her work according to the hour he is being paid. This will spoil the consistency (Encina , 2000). When tips are added to the hourly rate, the worker will optimize on the tips and he/she will improve on his hourly work to get more tips. Things are different when hourly pay is made without the tips as there will be no motivation. Paying on an hourly rate together with the tips may improve on speed but destroy the quality. The use of tips and hourly rate need a balance as what motivate the worker are the conditions of work. Diane on his part was being motivated tips (Encina , 2000). Apart from the pay, there are other factors that motivate worker during their work. Recognition during work is another factor that lender the effectiveness of work. A worker may improve his effectiveness due to tips. This will improve his/her efficiency. When a worker feels that his efficiency has improved, he will look for recognition.   Payment on hourly rates can improve the behaviors of the worker but additional inputs like recognition should be added. Diane opted to work in the right he will perfect the work and in return he will be recognized to get a better pay. For the behavior of an hourly paid worker to improve, incentives have to be added. This will help in improving the efficiency of work and altitude towards work will improve (Schildkraut 2003). The behavior of workers depends very much on the pay and recognition. As much as workers are paid hourly tends to improve the output, their behavior depends much on the supervision. Workers will always maximize on their man hours instead of employers manpower (Schildkraut 2003). Therefore to ensure that the behavior of the worker is good requires supervision. The supervision should not oppress the worker but instead it will help improve his behavior. The role of the supervisor for hourly paid worker is to help the worker to improve in his productivity. Though the supervisor will optimize on production, it should not destroy the quality of the work (Schildkraut 2003). In conclusion hourly rates can improve on the worker behavior but proper measures should be put in place to ensure that the objectives of the company or organization are met. The measure can include recognition after improvement, controlled supervision, and improvement after achievement. There should be no mistake of paying hourly for organization benefit but it should be to the worker (Schildkraut 2003).