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Tuesday, August 25, 2020
Causes of Prejudice free essay sample
Bias is a conclusion that did not depend on real proof or experience. In â€Å"Causes of Prejudice,†Vincent Parillo depicts the mental and sociological reasons of preference. Among these causes, disappointment is characterized to deliver a biased mentality towards others. Parillo clarifies in his work that from the beginning of time, minority bunches have been utilized as substitutes to assume the fault for specific occasions. He explains that scapegoating is the demonstration of censuring others for an occurrence that isn't their deficiency. This thought is additionally obvious in the novel To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee, in the part where a legal counselor named Atticus attempts to demonstrate an African American honest who has been dishonestly accused of assaulting a white lady. Hence, both Parillo’s â€Å"Causes of Prejudice†and Harper Lee’s To Kill a Mockingbird bolster that disappointment is a reason for preference in light of an expansion in hostility towards a substitute. We will compose a custom exposition test on Reasons for Prejudice or then again any comparable theme explicitly for you Don't WasteYour Time Recruit WRITER Just 13.90/page In any case, disappointment is brought about by relative hardship, which is the absence of assets in an individual’s situation when contrasted with others. This outcomes in animosity towards a substitute so as to diminish this pressure. â€Å"Frustrated individuals may effectively strike out against the apparent reason for their disappointment. Nonetheless, this response may not be conceivable in light of the fact that the genuine wellspring of the disappointment is frequently too shapeless to possibly be distinguished or too ground-breaking to even consider acting against†(Parillo 583). His view is likewise observed in To Kill a Mockingbird, when Mayella Ewell claims Tom Robinson has assaulted her. Atticus attempts to demonstrate to the jury that Tom Robinson in reality didn't assault Mayella and that she, a white lady, kissed Tom, a dark man. Mayella is an Ewell; an extremely poor family in the town of Maycomb and hence she needs to live through intense conditions which incorporate living behind the landfill, scarcely having any cash to help her father and seven kin, just as being beaten by her own dad. Above all, she is disappointed that she generally feels disappointed with her life since she was always unable to encounter any bliss by being detached from the remainder of the world. Along these lines, she attempts to in any event kiss a dark man to feel some feeling of satisfaction. At the point when she understands it is censured by society, her disappointment increments halfway on the grounds that society isn't permitting her to have a modest quantity of satisf action, thus she gives her animosity by accusing Tom Robinson for assaulting her. Moreover, animosity came about because of disappointment is pinpointed towards substitutes since they share comparable attributes of being powerless against fault. â€Å"The bunch must be (1) exceptionally noticeable in physical appearance or detectable traditions and acâ ¬tions; (2) not sufficiently able to strike back; (3) arranged inside simple access of the prevailing gathering . . .†(Parillo 584). To Kill a Mockingbird happens in southern Alabama in the 1930’s. This was the timeframe where partiality against African Americans was available. Isolation was available on the grounds that having white skin apparently was better than having dark skin. This basic contrast in skin shading brought about an uncalled for treatment of African Americans. Separate restrooms, water fountains, holy places, and schools came about for African Americans and whites. Likewise, since whites felt that the blacks were second rate compared to them, they would in general accept all blacks were unintelligent. When Mayella adapts to her disappointment of being detached from the remainder of the world by accusing Tom Robinson, the court sees his skin shading rather than the proof given for this case. Despite the fact that Atticus gives a lot of proof that demonstrates that it was inconceivable for Tom to submit the assault of Mayella, Tom is as yet seen as blameworthy in light of the fact that regardless of whether Mayella is a piece of the lower class of Maycomb, she is as yet a white lady, making her boss to Tom Robinson. It is obvious that disappointment assumes a significant job in deciding biased mentalities. Both the novel To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee and â€Å"Causes of Prejudice†by Vincent Parillo, concur that dissatisfaction is brought about by relative hardship and when animosity shapes, the fault is put on substitutes. These substitutes share comparable attributes which permit them to be helpless against the accuse that falls upon them.
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Global and International Business Contexts Analysis
Question: Talk about the Global and International Business Contexts Analysis. Answer: Doormen National Diamond Analysis and Environmental Analysis: After the common war in Sri Lanka the travel industry has gotten one of the biggest assistance divisions it very well may be likewise be portrayed as one of the developing areas too. A productive administration of the travel industry alongside deciding the conceivable outcomes of development toward the end ushers the nation towards the viewpoints of development as this decides the blast of the business. The finish of the war in 2009 made a great many new open doors in the travel industry part, by opening up the north zone of the nation for the nearby and outside vacationers (Mustafa, 2015). The pattern of the travel industry continued expanding during 2010, with the section of every month there was right around 30 percent expansion in the travel industry when contrasted with that in 2009. Before the finish of the money related year 2010, complete increment in the travel industry area was accounted to be 49 percent on appearances (Louca Suranga, 2015). The idea of Sri Lanka is truly differing as it is encircled by sea shores, fields, untamed life, streams, it is viewed as promotion one of the most alluring places of interest on the planet. Then again, the nation additionally pulls in visitors by its charming common excellence alongside the important legacies (Buultjens et al., 2016). Consequently, Sri Lanka can be viewed as a rich nation as far as its characteristic magnificence and legacies. Presently to look at the business condition of the nation as a consultancy firm, Porters National Diamond Model will be utilized. This will decide how shrewd will be the choice for a British Company to put resources into the travel industry part of Sri Lanka. This report will likewise accentuate on the PEST investigation of the nation as this assists with deciding the achievement or disappointment of the key system received by the financial specialist and in this manner upgrade their procedures adequately (Gunarathna et al., 2016). The Diamond model as created by Michael Porter assists with deciding the key shortcomings of the concerned locale by connecting up the local improvement of the territory. The Porters Extended Diamond Model is comprised by four determinants and two outside powers that associate in the Diamond Competitive bit of leeway model. From the start the National Diamond model was acquainted with decide the national bit of leeway of a specific country (Athukorala Jayasuriya, 2013). According to the Porters National Diamond model, the precious stone has four determinants as factor conditions, , related and steady technique, request conditions received by the firm just as the business, structure and competition. These determinants independently just as a framework produces the point of view where the upper hand of a country is resolved. As per Hettiarachchi et al., (2015), the National Diamond model can be utilized to outline the shortcomings and nature of the industrys microeconomic condition successfully and proficiently. The model ahs been utilized to choose ideal area for opening up another inn or resort which will be situated splendidly to draw in voyagers. The model has effectively connected the provincial advancement with he Diamond so as to decide the intensity. Here, so as to clarify the microeconomic condition of this specific locale corresponding to the travel industry, the National Diamond model has been created (Mustapha et al., 2014). Figure: Porters National Diamond Model (Source: Developed by Author) This Diamond as clarified by Porter is an arrangement of fortifying powers on the grounds that the impact of one determinant will influence the other three determinants of the framework also. Bit of leeway of a determinant may influence the focal points or drawbacks of different determinants too (Hall Page, 2012). These four determinants are portrayed as Request Conditions: This factor portrays advanced and requesting customers which give the neighborhood firms to start inventive upgradation of the offered items and administrations. The system of the firm, structure alongside contention: This factor portrays the causes liable for nearby or residential rivalry. This likewise produces the purpose behind which the organizations ceaselessly try to decide the real need of the clients to cook these requirements as effectively as could be expected under the circumstances (Ariyabandu et al., 2016). Factor Conditions: According to Fernando et al., (2015), this determinant incorporates the capital and normal assets alongside the particular frameworks. Besides, it expresses that if a country has progressively concentrated factor contrasted with the essential level, it will prompt an improvement in the microeconomic condition of that country. Businesses which are connected and strong: This determinant encourages the organizations to contend in a remarkably powerful and inventive way. By deciding the shortcomings of these four determinants of the National Diamond model the specific area for setting up a worldwide visitor resort can be resolved (Suresh Senthilnathan, 2014). Various shortcomings related with the microeconomic condition of Sri Lanka have been resolved which are identified with the travel industry. Factor conditions: There is an absence of specific work assets in the accommodation and the travel industry Another solid shortcoming is that, the most appealing places of interest are not advanced adequately. With regards to settlement or transportation the infrastructural advancement is insufficient. Request conditions: There is a noteworthy deficiency of market developments and particular procedures for the advancement of interest by utilizing the neighborhood assets. For instance, the tea the travel industry can be advanced by working together with the railroads and gazing a train administration through the tea homes. Advancement for the travel industry in this area is essentially low. The promoting action ought to be improved in both neighborhood and outside angles, developing a decent site or instruction program advancement will have the option to draw in more voyagers (Hyndman, 2015). The market situating techniques for the area ought to be recognized appropriately. The technique of the firm, structure alongside competition: It tends to be obviously recognized that there is an absence of legitimate technique alongside vision. Business people are hazard disinclined that is they fear facing colossal challenge, this prompts absence of administration advancements. There is contention among the nearby firms and these are additionally restricted by the visit administrators and this likewise offers ascend to restraining infrastructure structure. Ventures which are connected and strong: Fundamentally low quantities of supporting or related businesses are available as the business people are least keen on contributing. For instance, the chance of climbing, biking, golf, winged creature viewing is absent (Adikari, 2013). Particular office of medicine or vacationer strip malls is absent. Aside from these four determinants there are two outside components present also in the Porters National Diamond Model which are Government and possibility. Government is fundamental in planning and executing arrangement structures, improvement of businesses, observing, usage and planning of legitimate system, keeping up the standard of items and administrations, advancement of foundations (Khoshnevis et al., 2015). The finish of the common war in 2009 had made a superior possibility for the travel industry in the nation. There are additionally chance factor of tidal wave and other related catastrophes that can influence the travel industry in Sri Lanka. According to the National Diamond model formed by considering the current circumstances of the travel industry of the concerned nation, arrangements can be structured and suggested for future for districts the whole way across the nation. There ought to be huge improvement in the foundation of the nation as this will assist with drawing in more voyagers both neighborhood and from outside nations also. Advancement of the travel industry of the nation ought to be successful as the greater part of the wonderful places in this nation are either unfamiliar or disliked. Subsequently, activities are assumed the piece of the legislature just as from the neighborhood the travel industry organizations (Champika Silva, 2015). Presently to break down the business condition of Sri Lanka all the more adequately it is very imperative to build up an away from about the idea of business condition. Business condition really contains a blend of various powers that influences the operability of a business structure. As per Fernando (2015), nature of business can be separated into two classifications, inside business condition and outer condition. The interior condition is controllable by the business and it decides the qualities and shortcomings of the business. The administrative structure, reliability of the association is in some cases additionally considered inside the inner condition of the business (Mustafa Santhirasegaram, 2014). Then again, outer condition can be characterized as he condition that isn't wild by the association. The outer condition of an industry or association is dictated by the political, monetary, cultural and innovative elements. As these variables are not controllable the business shou ld change itself as per the circumstance of these components. In this segment of the report, the outer condition of the travel industry in Sri Lanka will be examined, so as to increase a superior understanding of the business so the British organization can make its speculations progressively productive, The device that inspects the impact of these elements on the outside condition of the business is prominently known as the PEST investigation. Political elements: The political variables can influence the travel industry division broadly. Fear based oppression, common wars, political sponsorships are a portion of the major political components that establish the world of politics of the concerned nation. The Board of Investments have begun to create inns in the eastern and Northern locales of the nation by star
Thursday, July 30, 2020
Fashion Design at MIT
Fashion Design at MIT Fashion is, evidently, alive and thriving at MIT (were not just a bunch of nerds who always wear hoodies and jeans!). Tonight, Kappa Alpha Theta hosted their annual fashion show, Katwalk, featuring clothing from both Boston professionals as well as MIT student (and alumni) designers. Now, fashion shows are amazing things if youre a photographer looking to become a better photographer, so I have a bunch of pictures for you guys! Also make sure to check out all the designers, because theyre all pretty awesome. MIT designers: Romp Apparel Ministry of Supply e d i t by Samantha D., 15 Preethi Vaidyanathan Boston/professional designers: Kinda Touma Sooki Habit Free People Janji LF And nowthe pictures! These are just my favorite photos and/or outfits from the fashion show. Im personally a big fan of the red-grey-black color scheme, so this outfit from Sooki really caught my attention. And who doesnt love polka dots? Summery beach dresses from Romp Apparel made it feelvery brieflywarm in Boston again. The MIT Logarhythms brought out their Sunday best to perform between showings. This is, of course, talking about a group that usually performs in snuggies and Waldo costumes (check them out at one of their previous performances here). These girls are breaking it down in e d i t by Samantha D., MIT Class of 2015, a series that takes cheap or old clothing from thrift stores and edits them to make something fresh. Check out her fashion Tumblr: These marvelous pieces are from South Boston fashion line Habit. Againloving the black and red color scheme. Free People mixed it up with models that blew glitter into the crowd. Glitter. You cant not like glitter. Free People also mixed it up with these really relaxed, striking-yet-casual outfits. Kind ofhippie-hipster? I like it. Changing it up a little, we had a few pieces to preview the upcoming MIT Trashion Show on December 6featuring sustainable fashion made out of recycled goods. Admittedly, this is pretty classy for a vest made out oflooks like cardstock and magazine pages? Taking another break from fashion, MITs competitive hip-hop dance team RiDONKulous came out fists high and feet stomping. Theyre all crazy good dancersthats about all I can say about them because its something you have to see for yourself. Janji makes running apparel with designs inspired by countries around the world, including Kenya, Haiti, Tanzania, Peru, Rwanda, Bangladesh, and our own United States. Heres the cool partproceeds from clothing sales are actually donated to help that country in some area relating to water or malnutrition. These sassy outfits come out of LF. If theres one thing I love, its an outfit with an attitude. I suppose that about wraps it up for this week! See you next time, Allan
Friday, May 22, 2020
A Look At Different Religions - 3348 Words
Creation Stories Kiara Dorsey Saint Leo University Abstract The goal of this paper is to take a look at several different religions in an attempt to gain an understanding each religion in regard to their creation stories. The paper will consider the creation stories of 7 specific that range from western religion to more native religion. Specifically, the paper will discuss the creation story provided by Christianity, Islam, Native Americans, Africans, Hebrew, Chinese and Indian. It will provide insight on religion and what is believed about creation. It will also take into account the differences and similarities of the different religions. Ideally, it is believed that almost all religions are interrelated. They are either variations or parallel to one another. Particularly, in terms of stories, rules and overall beliefs. Religion is a major aspect of most civilizations. In society, there is contact debate in regard to religion. People seem to be incapable of finding common ground when it comes to their religious beliefs. Most religions are strict and require adherents to follow certain rules and live according to the guidelines that are outlined within the religion. It is not uncommon to find similarities in various different religions. In most cases, the similarities are not hard to detect, even with grave differences. When it comes to creation stories, variances are apparent within the understanding of the creation stories. Almost all creationShow MoreRelatedPhilosophy, Phenomenology And Comparative Approachs851 Words  | 4 PagesI believe there are six different approaches to religion. One approach is the psychological or individual aspect. Then there is the sociological approach which looks at group behavior. Then there is also the anthropological approach which is looks at societies, culture s and things of that nature. Lastly there is the philosophy, phenomenology and comparative approachs. The psychological approach to religion allows us to examine the individual. The psychology of religion is to understand the personalRead MoreSociological Perspectives Of Functionalism, Conflict Theory And Symbolic Interactions882 Words  | 4 Pagesutilizing the different the three main sociological perspectives of functionalism, conflict theory and symbolic interactions. In looking at how religion functions in social structures, social systems, and small group interpersonal interactions a sociologist could formulate a better understanding of religion s role in society and the human experience. The sociologist looks at the individual, and how that individual connects to a specific societal location or setting and specifically at religion a sociologicalRead MoreChristianity And Hinduism : A Theological Perspective1391 Words  | 6 PagesWhen looking at Christianity and Hinduism there are many ways to look at each religion from a theological perspective. 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They make people who they are and teaches them how to function in society. Family is where everything should start. Your family is the first form of socialization that you experience as well as the religion that your family is a part of. Religion is another thing that helps to form whoRead MoreReligion Is A Complex And Beautiful System1222 Words  | 5 PagesReligion Religion is a system that many people have come to know as one of worship and faith. As college students, religion is a topic that many of us wonder about, question, and encounter throughout our daily lives. One thing is certain when it comes to religion, there is no ignoring the important role it plays on many individuals lives, communities, nations, and basically in all corners of the world. Each human experiences religion in different ways; it is amazing to be able to observe the varietyRead MoreReligion as a Conservative Force Essay1132 Words  | 5 PagesReligion as a Conservative Force ‘Conservative forces’ in this context can be defined as forces, which protect the existing social order, and radical forces being the opposite of conservative forces are those, which promote change. ‘’ Religion is essentially a conservative force in society and if that is true than it would also be true that religion can also play a part in social change.’ To evaluate whether religion is a conservative force or a forceRead MoreComparing and Contrasting Sociological Theorists Max Weber, Emile Durkheim and Karl Marx1599 Words  | 7 Pagestheir differences. The first theorist to consider is Karl Marx. Marx has a uniqueness all of his own. His attention was normally directed towards capitalism in society. He studied the basis of inequality under capitalism. (Ritzer, 2004) When you look into Marx’s work on the dialectical method you can see one of the differences between his studies and Durkheim and Weber. It says, â€Å" The dialectical thinker believes that it is not only impossible to keep values out of the study of the social worldRead MoreProjectionism In The Color Purple By Alice Walker1101 Words  | 5 PagesProjectionist theories often appear to disprove religion; despite this many devout believers cling to faith while knowing about them. Marx, Feuerbach, and Freud contribute three significant ideas to projectionism. Marx claims that people cling to religion because it is a painkiller and helps them forget the suffering they endure from those who control them. Feuerbach suggests that what a person knows affects and contributes to their view of religion; their upbringing determines how their god appears
Sunday, May 10, 2020
The Four Basic Types Of Parenting Styles - 881 Words
The four basic types of parenting styles include neglectful, permissive, authoritative, and authoritarian. Ideally, most parents should aim to be authoritative, meaning they should aim to posses essential qualities in their kind of parenting, such as being flexible with their children, being supportive, and democratic. Authoritative parents should also be assertive, set boundaries, and have high standards for their children as well. Even though being an authoritative parent best possible way to raise a child, many parents are permissive and neglectful, meaning they tend to present negative characteristics, for example, parents tend to distance themselves with their children’s issues and letting their children do whatever they want. The children then end up becoming demanding, spoiled, and often times uneducated with their family’s morals. Authoritarian parents, however, are the complete opposites of both neglectful and permissive parents. Authoritarian parents can be de scribed as over-demanding, autocratic individuals. They tend to set very high standards for their children and demand to be obeyed, or else the children receive punishment without reflection of the issues. In Amy Chua’s essay, â€Å"Why Chinese Mother’s are Superior†, it is clear that she describes herself as an authoritarian parent. However, it is also clear to the audience that the decisions she makes for her children are one-sided, making her believe she is always right. Chua does not look back to reflect onShow MoreRelatedThe Four Basic Types Of Parenting Styles1337 Words  | 6 PagesAccording to Arnett’s book on human development, the four basic types of parenting styles that exist are categorized as neglectful, permissive, authoritative, and authoritarian. Ideally, according to Arnett’s findings, most parents should aim to be authoritative parents, meaning they should aim to posses essential qualities in order to ensure successful communi cation with their child. Authoritative parents are described as flexible with their children, supportive, and democratic. However, they shouldRead MoreHow Parenting Styles Affect Childhood Development1139 Words  | 5 Pages How Different Parenting Styles Affect Childhood Development Parenting is one of the most challenging yet rewarding experiences in an adult’s life. Parents can greatly affect their children’s behavior and development. Children are like sponges, they soak up everything they see a parent do and model what they see into their own lives and actions. It is important that parents are good examples and set high standards for their children. Negative examples can be harmful to a child’s development andRead MoreThe Parenting Styles Authoritative, Authoritarian, And Permissive Essay1297 Words  | 6 Pagesparent your children? What is your parenting style? Experts have identified four major parenting types: Permissive, Authoritarian, Uninvolved, and Authoritative. Diana Baumrind (1966) was the one to identify three of the parenting styles Authoritative, Authoritarian, and Permissive. Martin and Maccoby (1983) expanded on Baumrind’s parenting styles and added the Uninvolved style. Which style of parenting do you think you fall into? Frist, Authoritative Parenting is considered the most successfulRead MoreTypes Of Attachment Styles And Parenting Styles902 Words  | 4 Pagesthat lead to a healthy family system. Types of attachment (bonds) styles and parenting styles have common grounds in each family. Also, there are unhealthy family systems that can impact the development of a child such as abuse. Attachment is the beginning of development for a healthy family system. Attachment or bonds are started very young they start with the parent and the child then it expands outward overdevelopment. There are four types of attachment styles avoidant, secure, ambivalent, andRead MoreParenting Styles And Their Effects On Children1572 Words  | 7 PagesParenting Styles and Their Effects on Children Parents play a key role in their children’s lives, including supervision, involvement, love, support, comfort, and a wide variety of discipline and punishment. The relationship between parenting styles and child is vital and impacts the child’s physical, mental, and emotional well-being. Parenting involves two dimensions, demandingness and responsiveness sometimes referred to as control and warmth. With the use of these dimensions four parenting stylesRead MoreParenting Styles And Their Influence On Children798 Words  | 4 PagesParenting styles have a direct correlation to how a parent interacts with their child and how their child interacts with them. Diana Baumrind was a developmental psychologist that came up with four basic parenting styles that influence how children behave throughout their life (Kopko,2007). The parenting styles consist of authoritarian, authoritative, permissive and uninvolved. An authoritarian style is characterized when a parent barely shows warmth to their child and has desires to control theirRead MoreThe Effect Of Parenting Styles And College Students Academic Achievement Essay1322 Words  | 6 Pagesinfluences our aspects of behavior is the type of parenting styles our parents used. The purpose of this study was to examine the effect of parenting styles and college students academic achievement. Also to find out if parenting style would a valid predictor of children’s success. Thus, three types of parenting styles were measured those being authoritative, authoritarian, and permissive. These parenting styles were identified by using four dimension of parenting as identified by the college studentsRead MoreEssay on Infancy and Early Childhood Development1654 Words  | 7 Pagesobservation and interaction. Development begins during the prenatal period on up to the early years and depends on the nutritional, medical, emotional, and intellect ual support of parents, family members, caregivers, and teachers (Cherry, 2011). Parenting styles also play a role in what influences development as well as early childhood education programs. During the prenatal period when a child’s development begins, thus being aware of many factors that can damage the fetus and the development of aRead MoreThe Influence of Parenting Styles and Attachment Styles on Relationship Designs986 Words  | 4 PagesMany human developmental psychologists will agree that the attachment styles and parenting styles a child receives is the design for the rest of their relationships. The relationship an infant or child has with the primary caregiver is the most important because their adult behaviors are directly influenced from these experiences. This is the basic theory of attachment styles that states that the earliest bonds a child forms correlates to the kinds of relationships people form as adults. FamiliesRead MoreIntroduction Of Psychology : Parenting Styles Essay1681 Words  | 7 Pages42150030 Introduction to Psychology Parenting Styles Outline I. Introduction Parenting styles are the strategies and the approaches that parents use when raising their offspring. II. Authoritarian a. The authoritarian parenting style is described as not being responsive yet having too many demands. b. children often develop low self-esteem, become shy, and are anxious when around others. III. Permissive (indulgent) a. Permissive parenting is the type of parenting where parents are nurturing but are
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Drug Research Paper Free Essays
Drug Research Paper Inhalants are wide variety of substances that young adults use as another way to get high. Inhalants cause mind-altering effects and typically someone would not think of these products as drugs because they were never intended for that type of use. Inhalants are very easy for young adults to find and many different types are even in their own homes. We will write a custom essay sample on Drug Research Paper or any similar topic only for you Order Now Inhalants can be anything from household cleaners to aerosols to gases. Inhalants are administered by breathing in through the nose or mouth in a variety of ways sniffing or snorting the fumes from the containers. People who use them can also inhale fumes from a balloon or a bag which would be filled with the inhalant of choice. The high from the inhalant only lasts a few minutes which causes users to continue to inhale substances many times over a short period of time and having greater effects. The physical impacts caused from inhalants are very similar to what someone would be like if they were to get drunk from alcohol. Symptoms would include slurred speech, little to no coordination, euphoric, and dizziness. Users may also experience hallucinations, and delusions. Users who frequently inhale will feel less control of their body for a longer period of time and may feel drowsy and have severe headaches for several hours and can possibly carry over to days with the same headache symptoms. Depending on the chemical inhaled users will experience added effects such as confusion, nausea, increased heart rate, and throwing up. The behavioral impact from inhalants can be a short state of excitement and also confusion and hallucinations. Users also will have sudden mode swings and the inability to made clear and smart decisions. Long term effects from inhalants that are very harmful and some irreversible effect areas all over the body. One of the long-term effects that is very serious and is from excessive inhalants is the break down of myelin. Myelin is a fatty tissue that surrounds and protects nerve fibers and helps messages get sent all over the body. Due to excessive use of inhalants will cause serious damage to the myelin and that will lead to muscle spasms, tremors, and the high possibility of losing basic abilities such as walking, bending down, and talking. Other serious irreversible long-term effects from inhalants are hearing loss, limb spasms, severe brain damage, and bone marrow damage. The use of inhalants among teens and adults is very high due to the easy access they have to wide varieties of them. Over 17 million people have experimented with inhalants. Inhalants are also the fourth most abused substance in the United States. Rohypnol is a drug that is very common and targets the central nervous system. It is used as a depressant medicine and is currently illegal for all use in the United States. Rohypnol has many names but is most commonly know as roofies or the â€Å"date rape drug†. Rohypnol’s sedative effects are about 7 to 10 times stronger than Valium. Effects hit the victim within 15 to 20 minutes after being taken. Rohypnol is administered by young adults recreationally but most often and most commonly given to someone without them knowing they have just taken the drug. Due to its odorless and tasteless characteristics it can easily be slipped in a drink and dissolve quickly and therefore the person being administered the drug has no idea was has happened or that they have or are about to take it. The physical impact of rohypnol is it is known to cause temporary muscle relaxation, sleep, and impaired motor skills. Rohypnol also increases the effects of alcohol and other drugs without your knowledge. Also rophynol causes people to no remember certain things that went on such as events at a party or bar. Rohypnol also causes drowsiness, dizziness, loss of motor skills control, lack of coordination, blurred speech, confusion, all lasting up to and sometimes beyond 12 hours. The behavioral impact from use of rohypnol is dependence for the drug and the withdrawal syndrome when the drug hasn’t been taken in a period of time. The most common effect from rohypnol is memory loss and the feeling of not being able to control yourself. Although rohypnol is most commonly used a sedative, chronic use of the drug can cause very aggressive behavior and possibly seizures. Also if a person has overdosed on rohypnol it is possible they can have problems breathing and fall into a coma. Long term effects from rophynol use are physical and psychological dependence. People who suffer from excessive use of the drug feel like they can’t live without it and are unable to do anything or feel good and have major withdrawal effects. The drug is most prevalent with teenagers and adults from ages 13 to 30. Due to its low cost only about $5 dollars per pill it makes the drug more available to people and then making it more abundant in the areas such as parties and bars. My assigned treatment plan is the Motivational Interference Therapy. What this treatment plan does is it offers counseling session’s motivational therapy and multiple step programs to help pull the patient out of addiction and back to living a healthy life. The first stage involves encouraging the patient to overcome their dependency behavior and tries to help them see the life without their addiction and try to convince them it is possible and build their confidence up slowly. The second step is to show the effects of their addiction on themselves and how they can remove it from their life just like it came in. This session is done 2 to 4 times depending on the patient’s addiction. The final step is to motivate the patient to completely give up on drugs and show them it is possible and that they can do it. The pros to this method are that they are consistently motivating, reminding, and showing you the positives to getting out of addiction. The cons to this method are that I think this style might not work for everyone and that some people may need a different type of program one that moves at a slower pace that allows them to really see themselves and what addiction has done to them. Also I think patients would need to spend more time at each stage to really break through their addiction. The drug addiction this method is made more is all cases of addiction but not so much the heavy addictions of drugs and alcohol but it can definitely help most cases of addictions. How to cite Drug Research Paper, Essays
Wednesday, April 29, 2020
Macbeth Tragic Drama Essays - Characters In Macbeth,
Macbeth Tragic Drama In the tragic drama Macbeth, written by William Shakespeare in 1606 during the English Renaissance, the hero, Macbeth, constantly declines in his level of morality until his death at the end of the play. Because of his change of character from good to evil, Macbeth's attitude towards other characters, specifically Duncan, Banquo, Lady Macbeth, and the witches, is significantly affected. The first of the four characters is Duncan. Since Macbeth interacts with Duncan only a minimal amount before Duncan's death, Macbeth's attitude towards him changes very rapidly. Before Macbeth hears the witches' first prophecy, he is very close to Duncan, and would never even think of doing something against him. When the thought of murdering Duncan crosses his mind immediately after he finds that he has just been named Thane of Cawdor, he cannot believe he "yield[s] to that suggestion / Whose horrid image doth unfix my hair / And make my seated heart knock at my ribs" (I, iii, 133-35). In scene 5 of act 1, however, his "vaulting ambition" is starting to take over, but partly because of his wife's persuasion. He agrees that they must "catch the nearest way" (17), and kill Duncan that night. On the other hand, as the time for murder comes nearer, he begins giving himself reasons not to murder Duncan: First, as I am his kinsman and his subject, Strong both against the deed; then, as his host, Who should against his murderer shut the door, Not bear the knife myself. (I, vii, 13-16) When Lady Macbeth enters, though, she uses her cunning rhetoric and pursuasion techniques to convince Macbeth that this is, beyond the shadow of a doubt, the right thing to do. He then tells her that "I am settled." (79). He is firmly seated in his beliefs that killing Duncan is the right thing to do-until he performs the murder. He is so horrified by this act that for a moment he forgets where he is or whom he is with. We learn from this murder that Macbeth truly had faith in the king and was very loyal, but under the forces of his wife's persuasion and his own vaulting ambition, he is put in the evil frame of mind for just long enough to kill Duncan. This murder does permanently alter him from his moral state of mind, however, and he soon does not feel much remorse for murdering Duncan. The Second of the four characters towards whom Macbeth's attitude changes is Banquo. Before he murders Duncan, Macbeth is a very close friend to Banquo, and they are almost always together. After the murder, however, Macbeth senses suspicion on Banquo's part. He realizes that Banquo's "wisdom that doth guide his valour / To act in safety" (52-53) will cause Banquo to want to turn Macbeth in for his crime. Macbeth knows he must also get rid of Banquo since, according to the prophecy, the throne will pass to Banquo's sons otherwise. Macbeth starts showing his extreme hatred towards Banquo while he is convincing the two murderers that killing him is right: Macb: Both of you Know Banquo was your enemy. Murderers: True, my lord. Macb: So is he mine; and in such bloody distance That every minute of his being thrusts Against my near'st of life; (III, i, 114b-118) Finally, Macbeth actually shows signs of relief when the murderer calls him to the door during his banquet and tells him of Banquo's death: Macb: There's blood upon thy face. Murderer: 'Tis Banquo's then. Macb: 'Tis better thee without than he within. (III, iv, 12-14) Macbeth's last statement, "Tis . . . within", means that Banquo's blood is better on the murderer than in Banquo, showing that Macbeth is, in truth, happy that Banquo has been killed. the killing of Banquo by Macbeth shows extreme selfishness; he cannot bear to see even his best friend's sons succeed him on the throne. However, a more important reason that Macbeth kills Banquo is because of Banquo's suspicion of him, and what Banquo will do to him once he finds out for sure that Macbeth has commited the murder of Duncan. One can see that Macbeth becomes extremely harsh if he wants his way. He will go to horrid extremes just so that he does not have to live his kingship in fear, but instead "to be safely thus." (III, i, 49) Lady Macbeth, the third character, interacts with Macbeth a considerable amount, and influences him greatly. He and his wife as a pair are dangerous because
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